Center Spirit Magazine Offers Free and Fascinating Reading for Yom Tov

By Yehudit Garmaise

  While picking up groceries and picking up Yom Tov essentials at supermarkets and stores in Boro Park, Williamsburg, and Crown Heights, readers can also enhance their Yom Tov with the free and fascinating reading of The Center Spirit, which is Boro Park Center’s monthly magazine.

    “The highlight of this magazine for me is having my cousin Chaim Meyer Werthheimer interviewed as a Tzfas-Meron guru,” says Raizy Pavlov, who is the magazine’s editor and the center’s director of recreation. “There’s something so magical about the North [of Israel], something so mystical, and Chaim provides a lot of insight.”

   Mr. Werthheimer, who grew up in Williamsburg, but for the last six years has lived in Tzfas, where he gives three-hour historical walking tours, explains the centuries-long history of the pilgrimages from the holy city of Tzfas to the holy city of Meron.

   In honor of the milchigs of Shavuos, another fun feature this month is called, “Say Cheese,” in which four successful, frum photographers explain how they got started, and they share their experiences behind their lenses.

   To balance out the actual servings of cheesecake, Esther Asher, a famed nutritionist gives her tips on staying healthy, and Raizy Fried of Raizy’s Cookin’ provides beautiful and elegant ideas how on to plate Yom Tov meals.     

   “I hope New Yorkers will enhance their freilechen, lechtigen Yom Tov,” Mrs. Pavlov said, “with our fascinating read!”

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