Learn One Daf and Elevate Each Neshamah

It’s barely a fortnight since the tragic events at Meron this Lag B’Omer, and we are still in shock.

How have Klal Yisroel responded to the tragedy?

Already, thousands of people have undertaken to learn a blatt of Gemara as an Ilui Neshama for the victims of the tragedy.  The Shas for Meron program is in full swing and multiple siyumim are being planned as Klal Yisroel unite, joining from all corners of the world to finish Shas.


Thousands of blatt have been taken; have you taken yours?

As we approach Zeman Matan Toraseinu, let us be mischazek in our Limud Torah and commit to learning one Daf of Gemara l’iluy nishmas the victims of the tragedy. So many have done so already; you can too!

Go to ShasForMeron.com now to sign up for your Daf. 

Want to learn Mishnayos instead? Go to mishnayosformeron.com to join thousands of boys and men in completing Shisha Sidrei Mishnah

Girls- wondering what you can do? Go to Tehillimformeron.com to join Ki Heim Chayeinu’s global Tehillim-a-thon.

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