Say 45 Perakim for 45 Neshamos

Not even 2 weeks have passed since the tragic events at Meron on Lag B’Omer, and Klal Yisroel are still reeling from the loss of 45 precious neshamos. We understand that we do not understand why. 

However, in the face of tragedy, Klal Yisrael gets stronger by uniting around that which unites us all – Torah & Tefillah. Already, thousands of men and boys around the world have taken on mishnayos and daffim of Gemara to learn l’iluy nishmas the 45 victims. 

Now, girls have their chance to join the movement by joining Ki Heim Chayeinu’s global Tehillim-a-thon. Girls from all over the country and from overseas too, will take on 45 kapitelech of Tehillim to say and understand. 

Sefer Tehillim will be completed multiple times, as each participant recites her 45 kapitelech. This will be a wonderful zechus and iluy neshama for the 45 victims who are no longer with us, as well as a zechus for the refuah sheleima of the many who were injured.

Thousands of kapitelech have already been assigned. 

Which ones will you say?

Sign up now at

Girls from across the globe join hundreds of girls from many different schools around the country, in this great global Tehillim-a-thon. 

As we approach Shavuos, the birthday and yahrtzeit of Dovid HaMelech, the composer of Sefer Tehillim, what could we do better than to take on some kapitelech to say?

You can make a difference:

Say 45 perakim for 45 Neshamos: Sign up for yours now at

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