Governor DeSantis Signs School Choice Bill! Teach Florida Update

Governor DeSantis signed into law the largest expansion of school choice in U.S. history.

“With this bill, more than 50% of all Florida’s children will be eligible for scholarships for the school best for them,” said Danny Aqua, executive director of Teach Florida, a leading nonpublic school advocacy organization and project of the OU. “Enrollment in Florida’s yeshivas and Jewish day schools are up 20% in the last two years alone, and this bill will enable more Jewish children to achieve a yeshiva education.”

Beginning July 1, families earning up to 375% of Federal Poverty Level ($133K for a family of 6) can receive scholarships worth approximately $7,500 for each of their children.

The bill also expands scholarship access for students with social, learning, and physical disabilities. See details here.

With potentially millions of dollars in scholarships available for students next year, Teach Florida launched its website for questions about scholarship eligibility.

Malka Rhodes, Teach Florida’s school funding specialist, will respond to inquiries and help families, both in and out of Florida, understand whether they can be eligible.

With more than 30% of nonpublic school scholarships nationwide now being in Florida, Governor DeSantis is proving to be a champion for those who value the option to choose where their child is educated.

Learn more about Teach Coalition and the fight for safe, affordable nonpublic education here.

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