How Do We Respond to The Tragedy?

The recent tragic events of Lag B’omer in Meron are still so fresh in our minds and hearts.

45 Yidden killed and over 150 were injured, families’ lives forever changed R”l. We are in shock, and understand that we do not understand why. 

However, in the face of tragedy, Klal Yisrael gets stronger by uniting around that which unites us all – Torah learning. 


Would you like to join the thousands who are joining together to finish Shas in memory of the victims of this horrible tragedy? 

Go to Now to sign up for your daf. 

Thousands from around the world are each taking upon themselves at least 1 Daf for Each Neshamah and we will make multiple Siyumei HaShas upon the Shloshim. 

At the same time, under the leadership of Ki Heim Chayeinu, Yeshivos and Chadarim around the world are joining together to finish Shisha Sidrei Mishnah multiple times. Over 75 schools have joined to date, and dozens more are joining every day. 

The awesome power of the Torah learning of children from hundreds of Yeshivos around the world joining together in a display of Achdus is remarkable. Additionally, harnessing the special potency of the Torah of Tinokos Shel Beis Rabban and learning thousands of Mishnayos will no doubt be a great zechus for the victims of the Meron tragedy.

If your child’s Yeshiva has not joined yet, or if you would like to learn Mishnayos too (this program is not only for children!) you can go to and sign up. 

We may not understand why this happened, but we do know what we can do in response. Let’s commit to learning just one Daf of Gemara or one Perek of Mishnayos today. In just a few minutes we can each make a world of a difference. 

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