An EPIC Event not to miss! An interview with Rabbi Yaacov Goodman, Founder and Director of Yedidim and Chinuch of Today.

There are numerous studies that demonstrate the importance of focusing attention towards our children. A recent study published in Harvard Business Review by Dr Stewart D. Friedman shows that when parents spend time with their children, it’s important to actively pay attention to the child, and not multitask with digital devices or other work-related distractions. The conclusion of this study reveals that it is not the quantity of time spent together, but quality of the time spent together. And this attention focused parenting has proven to be a precursor for strong mental health in the child with little to no behavioral issues. 

It is the belief of Rabbi Yaacov Goodman that the reason a child’s mental health is so much stronger when quality time is spent together is due to the fact that the child feels safe and cared for. This not only diminishes anxiety but also builds self-esteem.

Parents know this notion to be true, but the reality of life is that parents are often preoccupied fulfilling fiscal and life responsibilities – and often don’t take time to actively reflect on this concept. 

This is why Yedidim (a project of EPIC Families) is holding an International Parenting Symposium on Sunday May 9th with special guest speakers that include Harav Zev Leff, Harav Nissan Kaplan, Rav Shimon Russell, Dr. David Lieberman, and more. (A video stream starting every 2 hours in your time zone (for 24 hours)), and launching the first annual International Parenting Day, erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan – May 11, 2021. (For 24 hours, starting 8:00 PM Monday night (May 10) – 8 PM Tuesday night.)


Your organization is launching a new concept, an International Parenting Symposium followed by International Parenting Day, focused on davening for children. What is this and how does it work?

We all know the realities of parenting – doing our best to fulfill our parental and familial responsibilities; that we don’t always have the time to sit back and reflect on how we spend time with our children. We mean well and we think that we are going to, but before we know it, another week has gone by, and another month, and another…

This is why we launched International Parenting Day with special events; to give us time to internalize our parenting goals and give us a chance to pause and refocus. We want to use the days leading up to Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan to learn and be inspired. On Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan itself, together with parents from all over the world, we will harness the power of the Tefillas HaShlah.

It is known from the Shlah Hakodesh that erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan is a special day to daven for the success of our children. Let us take advantage of the opportunity of this special time.

What is so special about Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan?

I will tell you what the Shlah himself said. “We are obligated to daven for all of our needs since everything comes from Hashem. A person must be especially careful and expeditious to daven that his children be upright and have all their needs met. My heart tells me that the most appropriate time to daven for this is Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan since we received the Torah in Sivan and we are called the Children of Hashem.”


Why is the fact that we are called the Children of Hashem make it a special time to daven for our children?

The Shlah doesn’t explain this. However, I believe first and foremost that a father listens to his children and we want to take advantage of Hashem (our father) listening to our tefilah. But I believe that it goes deeper than that.

Chodesh Sivan is when Hashem gave us the Torah and we became His children. By becoming Hashem’s children, it shows His love for us; He wants our best. So too, we show Hashem that we too love our children and want what’s best for them; and in this effort, Hashem should please heed our requests! 

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Until what age should a parent daven for their children?

Someone posed this very question to the Steipler Zt’’l. His reply was, “For always. I still daven for my Chaimka!”

As we know his “Chaimka” is Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit’a, who then was about 60 years old and already known as a massive Talmid Chochom and Tzadik!

Click here to download the Tefillas HaShela

We are offering 3 special opportunities for parenting, inspiration, and empowerment. 

Daily Empowerment – For the week leading up to International Parenting Day, receive short parenting and Inspirational videos. Click here for more information and to sign up

International Parenting Symposium – A virtual chinuch habanim event 

Sunday, May 9th. A video stream starting every 2 hours in your time zone (for 24 hours).

International Parenting Day: Utilizing the power of parents from all around the world as we harness the strength of Tefillas HaShela

Erev Rosh Chodesh Sivan, Starting Monday night, Mat 10th, 8pm for 24 hours. In all time   zones!!

To learn more, send us an email to [email protected] or go to  

All these events are free and open for all.

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