Thousands in Shiduchim to Unite Globally for 40 Days of Nishmas with Rav Chaim Kanievsky


Now, more than ever we feel the need to come together to uplift and connect us to each other, to show how we care not just about our own plight, but the plight of all Klal Yisrael.

Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky a”h often encouraged women to say Nishmas for 40 days as a powerful segulah. The stories of miracles and yeshuos abound.

The day after Shavuos, May 19th, Ohel Sarala/Bonei Olam begins a 40 day Nishmas journey in preparation for our annual event on the Yahrtzeit of Reb Yonasan ben Uziel of Amuka on June 6.

This year, instead of 40 days of saying Nishmas on our own, Ohel Sarala is doing it together. From Shavuos to Erev Tisha B’av, and spanning R’ Yonasan’s yahrtzeit they will say Nishmas each day – for themselves, for their couples, for each other.

What makes it even more special is that everyone who commits to saying Nishmas for the 40 days, will have their names submitted to Rav Chaim Kanievsky, for 40 days of davening for her yeshua and for her couple’s yeshua by name.

You can join along in the Nishmas program as a zchus forsomeone you know that needs a yeshuah. Click here to join the Nishmas 40 Dayprogram and join with thousands davening for a yeshuah.  

Ohel Sarala has thousands of active pairs- of couples awaiting a child & singles awaiting marriage- each davening for the other. Each person carries the name ploni bas/ben ploni in their siddur or in their mind, and the singles contribute money towards their couple’s treatment.

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