Rachel’s Place: Because Every Girl Needs a Place

Rachel’s Place is the address for girls with no address. 
Rachel’s Place girls are our girls. They originate from all our communities.

Our Transitional Independent Living Program has earned acclaim as a healthy, nurturing environment for girls who cannot live at home.

We provide the girls with a safe place to live, daily necessities, counseling, friendship, educational support, and whatever else they need so they can effectively lead their lives and develop into happy, healthy, productive adults. 

There was no play this year, but the many needs of these girls remain.

We need your support to continue to provide these resources and give homeless girls a place to call home. Please contribute generously to  Rachel’s Place and to our new, much-needed Rachel’s Place II, for girls over 21.

We need to raise $600,000 May 2-4 to support our ongoing projects:


Rachel’s Place  State-certified, city-run transitional independent living program for runaway and homeless girls ages 16-21. We provide a home, daily living necessities, and professional, compassionate support to enable healthy, successful living.

Rachel’s Place II Step-down residence for girls ages 21+. We provide a home and guidance and support for girls who are not yet ready to cope with life on their own.

Rachel’s Place Productions- aka; THE PLAY! Our professionally produced extravaganzas have mesmerized and delighted our audiences for a decade, with ten DVDs distributed worldwide.

Chochmas Nashim West Women’s Learning Seminar. Renowned speakers offer high-level, intellectually sophisticated and inspirational lectures every Tuesday afternoon for women who wish to expand and enrich their understanding of Navi, Jewish History, and an array of Jewish themes and topics.

Women in Tanach Book about the Imahos, based on the lectures of Rebbetzin Leah Kohn. With this groundbreaking publication, women can learn about their heritage in a deep and life-altering way.

HaKivun  Created by Rebbetzin Leah Kohn, this interactive hashkofa curriculum for high school students helps girls connect to and really experience their Jewish lives, helping Yiddishkeit define not just what they do, but who they are.

More to come!State-of-the-art exhibit on Sarah Schenirer

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