Mind-Blowing Speech Of Father Who Lost Two Sons In Meron

Over one week ago, five children from the large and well-known Elchadad family of Bnei Brak went to Meron together to celebrate Lag Baomer. 


But only three made it home.


Moshe Mordechai (18) and Yosef Dovid (12) were only a few steps ahead of their younger brothers when they became ensnared in the entanglement of people that night. By nothing short of a miracle, the younger ones behind them came out completely alive and unharmed. But in a horrific tragedy that has shattered their entire family, Moshe Mordechai and Yosef Dovid were trampled to death side by side. 


“Sometimes, difficult things happen that we don’t understand,” said the father of the boys to reporters in an incredible interview.


“I had five sons there. From them, three were saved and two were killed. Hashem chose exactly which souls to take. I told Hashem, that entire night when I felt such despair, “Hashem- just don’t take away my Emunah!” 


Meir and his wife Elisheva are completely broken after losing two of their precious children. They need time to recover mentally as well as the strength to comfort their fourteen other children. 


When we are in times of tragedy, many people tend to assume that “someone else” is going to help those most affected by the tragedy. But in truth, the only way to help the Elchadad family is if we all unite. Meir and Elisheva need time to recuperate without the financial pressure of supporting their large family and paying for rent and food. They need help and support to stay strong for the rest of their children.  Please click here to help this mourning family cope after the blow of their overwhelmingly horrific loss.


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