Tomorrow! The Soul of Mesechta Yuma: What Can Marriage Do For You?

Two-part series: Sunday morning 10 AM and 9 PM EST:

The Soul of Mesechta Yuma: What Can Marriage Do For You?

As so many Jews began learning Mesechta Yuma, in the Daf Yomi cycle, Rabbi YY Jacobson presents this Sunday morning, April 18, 10 AM EST, and this Sunday evening, April 18, 9 PM EST, an incredible shiur on the opening and the Siyum of Mesechta Yuma. 

The shiur will explore why should one get married? What can marriage do for a person? Why did Reb Yosi call his wife “My Home?” Why does the Kohen Gadol have to be married on Yom Kippur? Why did Reb Akiva credit his entire success to his wife? 

The shiur will also explore Reb Akiva’s revolution in Teshuvah, and how a small stem for man is a giant step for Hashem.

This two-part series is based on a Hadarn on Yuma presented by the Lubavitcher Rebbe zt”l 50 years ago, on the yartzeit of his mother.


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