Send your Kvitel to the Tzion of the holy Reb Yeshaya Ben Reb Moshe, absolutely free!

Reb Yeshayala’s Guest House in Kerestir ensures that Klal Yisrael stays connected with the holy Tzadik.

With great thanks to Hashem, thousands of Yidden are right now in Kerestir for the Yahrtzeit. However, many more who would have wished to join are unfortunately stuck at home. The renowned “Ish Kerestir” Reb Moshe Yosef Friedlander recognized the yearning that Klal Yisrael has to stay connected with the great miracle worker Reb Yeshaya Ben Reb Moshe Ztz”l. As founder of Reb Yeshayala’s Guest House, he strove to ensure that every single Yid can be a part of the big Yahrtzeit.

Reb Moshe Yosef exemplifies what it means to be a Kerestirer Yid and has been working non-stop the past few months. He not only arranged the permits for those who could make the trip but also labored to guarantee that everyone, no matter where they are, should be included on this auspicious day. You can visit a unique website set up for just this purpose and send along a Kvitel with designated envoys to the holy Tzion on the day of the Yahrtzeit. People can enter all the names and requests, and it will not cost a thing. That way, everybody can still bring forth the yeshous this day is so famous for.

Reb Yeshayala’s Guest House operates in Kerestir every single day of the year non-stop. Besides providing room and board on an unprecedented level, the Guest is responsible for most functions in Kerestir, from beautiful Mikvahs to an inviting Bais Hamedrash. Reb Moshe Yosef has single-handedly revolutionized what a trip to a Tzadik’s Tzion should look like. Even during the height of the Coronavirus pandemic, its doors have not been shut for a single day.

B”H this year, after much effort by Reb Moshe Yosef, thousands of permits have been granted for those wanting to make their pilgrimage and daven at the Tzion of one of the biggest miracle workers. But he did not stop there; he wanted to ensure that all of Klal Yisrael can stay connected with the Tzadik and has therefore launched the incredible Kvitel campaign.

The Guest House operates entirely on funding from Klal Yisrael, and they need your help to continue their fantastic work. On the site, you have the opportunity of sponsoring any one of the myriads of activities and functions of the Guest House. It is an amazing Zechus with many stories of amazing Yeshous brought about through Reb Yeshayala’s Guest House.

Visit or call 844.537.3784 to send your Kvitel free of charge or to sponsor one of the many activities of Reb Yeshayala’s Guest House.

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