Orphaned from their mother, help their father walk again so he can support them

Dear fellow Jew,

I am grateful that you are taking the time to read my story, sorrowful as it is. Thank you so much.

My name is Yakov Elmaliach. I am a widower with disabilities, caring for 9 motherless children.

It is so hard for me, almost impossible, to live in my present situation. You would never believe that up until a few years ago, I was a computer programmer who made a fine living and was even known for and proud of the support and assistance I gave to others.

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Four years ago, my wife became sick with cancer. I did everything I could to save her and we

were so sure we would succeed. I spent all of my savings and took out additional loans to finance expensive treatments. Though she was plagued by a tumor that weighed 3 kg. (over 6 lbs.!), we were full of hope that after the tumor was successfully removed, my wife would recover and would be able to happily continue raising our children.

What a shock it was when shortly after the surgery a complication developed and my dear wife passed away! What despair!

I was left alone to cope with this huge loss, with the terrible sorrow as well as the pressure of paying back the loans and single-handedly caring for 9 children. The stress and emotional strain

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took their toll, and three years ago I suffered a heart attack, followed by a stroke, leaving half of my body paralyzed. My legs are dysfunctional and my hands are deformed to such an extent that even if I were able to think about returning to work in the field I know and love, it would be impossible.

My health is deteriorating and going downhill day-to-day because I can’t afford the rehabilitative treatments that I so desperately need. I cannot afford the medical equipment or

special laser bed recommended by the doctors to save what is possible by regenerating the latent cells in my body, hopefully enabling my body to overcome the paralysis and return to the almost normal functioning that would allow me to be a father to my poor motherless children.

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Dear brothers and sisters!

My life and the future of my 9 children are in the balance. I beg you to help me realize the one chance I still have to regain strength and continue living!

I used to be among those who gave. Now I find myself among those who plead for help.

May you always have the health and ability to be among the givers, and may HaShem fulfill all of your heart’s desires for good, with blessing and happiness.

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