Iyun With Benzion: Let Benzion Lang Amaze You With An Eight-Minute Iyun Shiur On Each Daf Of Daf Yomi!

If you think you need to go to Ponovezh to hear a world-class Iyun shiur think again. Hear Chiddushim that will blow your mind!

Learn how to think out of the box and create your own Chiddushim. All in eight minutes or less! And it’s all on the Daf Yomi that you’re learning anyway that day!

Just click on the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UXNoYRgIM8&ab_channel=BenzionLang and be prepared to be amazed!

Make sure to subscribe to the Youtube channel ‘Benzion Lang’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UXNoYRgIM8&ab_channel=BenzionLang and become a member of my inner circle!

And if you want to take your enjoyment to the next level: view all of my FUNNIEST videos about the humor of Jewish life. All on the same Youtube channel!

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