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Klal Govoah’s New ‘Strike The Match’ Initiative Designed to Facilitate Shidduchim

It’s no secret that Klal Yisroel needs more shadchanim.

It’s true that many individuals have stepped up to help those in the parsha find their zivugim and their efforts are most certainly laudable. But having spoken at length with both professional and amateurs, it became clear that more couples could be paired up if shadchanim had an efficient way of keeping track of singles they know and their relevant information, in order to make it easier to identify potential matches.

Living up to its mission of using technology to meet communal needs, Klal Govoah is launching Strike The Match, a website and smartphone app available on all platforms currently being built out in an effort to increase the number of shidduchim being redt. Dedicated in memory of Yechezkel Shraga ben Avraham Yehuda Bergman, Strike The Match will function as a private digital notebook where users can keep a list of people they know who are in the parsha and store all of their shidduch-related information in a single secure location that is visible only to them, making it easy to search for possible shidduchim.  

“Imagine if everyone in Klal Yisroel and every shadchan had an organized list like this,” said Klal Govoah founder Ira Zlotowitz.  “Each person could do 20, 30, 40 percent more shidduchim.  It could make a major dent in today’s shidduch situation.”

By providing the ability to create custom tags and fields, Strike The Match will offer filtered searches from a user’s own list of singles to pinpoint potentially compatible couples. The app is also being developed with an eye towards convenience and user friendliness.

“The idea is that it should be so easy even Bubby could use it,” quipped Mr. Zlotowitz.  “Now when someone asks you if you have a shidduch for their daughter or son, you can pull up the app and check the list of boys and girls you know, in addition to adding them onto your list as well.”

Klal Govoah, founded in memory of Rav Meir Zlotowitz z’l, is calling on the public to share their thoughts and ideas for Strike The Match as the app evolves and is also welcoming the expertise of programmers, designers and developers who want to be part of the project.  For more information, visit Strike The Match online at

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