Parenting with Clarity by Esti Hirshfeld! Starting this Monday, April 12

Topics: Discipline, connecting with your child, your child’s emotional needs, maintaining a positive home. Now accepting registration for the following Courses:

Beginner Course Part 1: Discipline. Tuesday evenings. Beginning April 20

Beginner Course Part 2:  Siblings and Ruchniyus. Wednesday evenings. Beginning April 14

Teen Course Part 2:  Siblings, Trust and Ruchnius. Monday evenings. Beginning April 12

Time:  8:45-9:45 PM

Location: Teleconference/ Zoom

Recordings available for course participants. 

Mrs. Hirschfeld has been teaching/coaching mothers for 12 years. Her down-to-earth, approachable, and clear instruction has helped 100s of mothers transform their homes & improve their relationships with their children.

Mrs. Hirscheld is trained, endorsed and supervised directly by Rebitzen Spetner, with whom she maintains a close personal relationship. Course attendees are eligible to attend Rebitzen Spetner’s alumni courses/ teen courses at a later date.

New! Class for Men by Eli Hirschfeld: Fundamentals of Discipline/ Chinuch:  Rebitzen Spetner’s Curriculum. For more information call/text Eli Hirschfeld: 718-578-5718

For information or to register: (call/ text) 718-344-7589, or email:  [email protected]

Inquire about private consultations with Mrs. Hirschfeld.

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