Shocking Blaze: Fire Breaks Out In Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel’s Van Erev Yom Tov!

On March 25th, at around 12:00 AM, a fire broke out in the van of Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael in Lakewood. The vehicle had some mechanical issue that started the fire.  By the time the firemen arrived, it was completely engulfed in flames. The van was unsalvageable. Fortunately, no one was hurt.

Over $10,000 worth of personal belongings were lost, along with two pairs of tefillin. 

The van that went on fire was used to take the bochurim to various yeshiva functions, while they would be infused with Torah and inspiration from caring and experienced rebbeim. 

Yeshiva Ohr Yisrael is a unique yeshiva for at-risk bochurim from Lakewood, and from other places in the world.

This yeshiva is non-judgmental and accommodating to bochurim with difficult situations. Many of these bochurim were previously on drugs and involved in destructive behavior. Now, they are thriving, involved in learning, and in personal growth.

The Yeshiva provides a full schedule for these kids and a warm and safe home to sleep. Staff is available 24 hours on hand. 


Aside from the daily learning and tefilla that takes place, the yeshiva has many activities and events that ensure these bochurim are out of trouble and off the streets. 

This Yeshiva is led by Rabbi Boruch Rosenblum, a grandson of the illustrious Rav Shraga Moshe Kalmanovitz ZL, the late Rosh yeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva. Rav Boruch is a close talmid of Rav Elya Brudny shlita and was a close talmid of Rav Dovid Soloveitchik Z’L. 

Rabbi Rosenblum stems from a family of devout mechanchim and rosh yeshivas. He was brought up in a house of warmth that emphasized love for every yid, and a sincere concern for every Yiddishe neshama. 

Rav Boruch, along with a team of skilled and caring Rebbeim and mentors, provides courage and creates long-lasting impressions on these bochurim.

He dedicates his entire life to these bochurim, and he is available day and night to help his Talmidim with all their needs.

The yeshiva has seen a huge amount of spiritual growth from these Talmidim. Their hearts are thirsting for Torah and Yiddishkeit.

They need a second chance in life and Yeshiva Ohr Yisroel provides that. 

This van is crucial for the survival of the yeshiva. The yeshiva cannot function without it.  Fire damage is not covered by the insurance policy.

Please help cover the cost of this van, along with the costs of the tefillin, clothes, and electronics that belonged to the bochurim.

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