For $68 You Can Sponsor-a-Seder for Cholim and Their Families


Families gather around a sparkling white table, bedecked in their Yom Tov finest, celebrating the V’Higadeta L’Bincha which defines the day. Our hectic lives on pause; we stop to savor that moment.

For some families, the place they will spend Yom Tov is not their home. Their Seder will not be around a dining room table. Their lives were already turned upside down by illness – they – or their loved one – will be spending Pesach in a hospital. 

They cannot put their lives on pause. Fortunately, Bikur Cholim of Lakewood does not stop either.

“Kol Dichfin, Yeysey V’Yeychol – Anyone who is hungry, let them come and eat.”

This Pesach, Bikur Cholim will be feeding over 10,000 meals to patients and their families. No matter where a patient may be, they – and their family – do not have to worry about how they will fill their most basic needs. Bikur Cholim is always there for them, standing beside and supporting them every step of the way.

For just $68 – the Gematria of “Chaim” – you can be the one making sure they have what they need. 

We are cooking the meals, prepping them beautifully, and delivering them – as we speak. Please help by clicking here and donating to help us cover the expenses of Pesach food. 

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