In spite of coronavirus: The Migdal Oz kollel network distributed kimcha d’pischa to hundreds

The avreichim received gift vouchers for yomtov, and a large package of necessities including matzah, meat, chicken, wine, and other basic foods ⌃ The network supports hundreds of avreichim who are talmidei chachamim, in several cities in Israel


The coronavirus outbreak period has led to hard times for many Torah mosdos, but the distinguished Migdal Oz kollel network has made certain to pay its avreichim despite the difficulties. Over the last few days, during the run up to Pesach, the head of the network, Rav Yechezkel Etrog, has begun a project to distribute both kimcha d’pischa money and a large basket of goods to the hundreds of avreichim in Israel.

The avreichim, who learn diligently year round, received gift vouchers for yomtov, and a large package of Pesach food items including matzah, meat, chicken, wine, and other basic foods. The delighted avreichim thanked Rav Etrog for all he does for them year round, especially during the yomtov periods when the network makes an effort to add extra to their monthly stipends.

Rav Etrog went to consult with Maran Sar Hatorah, Hagaon Harav Chaim Kanievsky at the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, when he was concerned about the situation and the lack of clarity regarding donors continuing to support the Olam Hatorah. Rav Etrog told Rav Chaim that he was unsure whether he should continue accepting new avreichim while the situation was still unclear. Maran Sar Hatorah told Rav Etrog that he should continue his work for Torah, and following this directive, Rav Etrog continued accepting new avreichim throughout the period. Indeed, Rav Chaim’s brocho was fulfilled, with the network of kollelim continuing to exist and even expand with siyata d’Shmaya.

The Migdal Oz network, which has earned a prestigious reputation in the Olam Hatorah in Eretz Yisroel, supports hundreds of avreichim who learn diligently in nine batei midrash throughout Israel, and it even opened a new branch in Afula a few months ago.

Some of the best talmidei chachamim learn in the kollelim and there is great demand to join. The network champions the idea of providing a respectable monthly stipend to the avreichim to provide for them and their families. To this end, Rav Etrog travels throughout the world where he recruits friends and donors who feel it is a zechus for them to maintain this important network of kollelim, and help ease his heavy financial burden.

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