The promise of the Holy Zohar HaKadosh for Pessach night

Dear fellow Jew!

As the holiday of Passover approaches, we are once again preparing for our massive charitable mission of distributing Kimcha d’Pischa to the many needy families of the holy city of Jerusalem.

The COVID-19 plague that struck us last year wrought havoc upon an already unsteady and insecure situation. How many families have fallen victim to illness, poverty and distress since last Pesach? The meagre salaries brought home by faithful wives who willingly send their husbands to sit within the holy walls of the yeshiva dedicating themselves to the lofty study of Torah have been slashed. Places of work of have been closed. Employees have been sent home on unpaid leave.

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And how many almanot have sorrowfully joined the ranks of the destitute, left to fend for themselves, trying to feed and clothe their children while dealing with their pain and loneliness?

Every year, we take upon ourselves the heavy burden of bringing joy to these hundreds of families, families of orphans and widows, families blessed with many children and families of our yeshiva’s Torah scholars. We supply most of the dry goods and fruits and vegetables, delivered to their homes by a special team from our yeshiva in a discreet way so as not to embarrass the families, without anyone seeing that they receive charity.

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Our holy Rabbi and teacher, the kabbalist and tzaddik, HaRav Beniyahu Shmueli, shlita, personally guides us in this effort and takes pains to verify that all of the goods are of the best quality and the highest level of kashrut.

May the zechut of supporting these families keep you and save you and stand as a merit in all of your endeavors.

Dear friends, we have 800 families standing in line to receive Kimcha d’Pischa baskets. Last year at this time we provided for 500 families and this year the number has grown by 300 families! May HaShem save us and rescue us from such a situation!

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Now, more than ever, it is our holy duty to support the poor of Eretz Yisrael. To bring a ray of light and a spark of hope that will help to overcome sorrow bring joy on this coming Holiday of Freedom.

Let every person who is lacking come to eat!

You can ensure that each family will be provided for.

You have the ability to enable families to recline around the Pesach table and enjoy this Holiday of Freedom as Bnei Chorin.

Open your hearts and hands and give generously and together may we be zoche to welcome Eliyahu HaNavi on Pesach night, announcing the coming of Moshiach Tzidkeinu, Amen!

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All contributions are Tax-deductible 

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