This Monday, Klal Yisrael will be celebrating the completion of the fourth masechta in the cycle – Maseches Pesachim. What more appropriate siyum to hold this week than on Maseches Pesachim while we are preparing for Pesach. As HaRav Hagaon Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit”a called it: “This is a special Siyum – It’s a Siyum Min Hashamayim!”
If you have a friend, neighbor, father, brother, son, grandfather, uncle or anyone else you know who is making a siyum, this is your chance to wish them Mazel Tov. Record a short video clip of your mazel tov wish and send it to by Sunday and have your Mazel Tov wish aired on The Afikomen – The Siyum on Pesachim which will be broadcast LIVE! This coming Monday night right here at 8:00 PM.
The Afikomen will feature a brand new documentary on the Novominsker Rebbe zt”l, in honor of his first yahrtzeit, highlighting his life and exploring his leadership with fascinating stories and messages that all of us will learn and be inspired from. You won’t want to miss an amazing musical celebration from the Masmidei Hasiyum Choir featuring members of the Shir V’shevach Boys Choir, conducted by Chaim Meir Fligman. Also on the program will be Ki Yishalcha- a brand new Question and Answer session with Harav Hagaon Rav Shmuel Kamenetsky shlit”a, moderated by Rav Doniel Osher Kleinman shlit”a and have your most difficult Pesach questions answered by the Gadol HaDor! Our V’higadita L’vincha feature presentation will change and elevate your seder and family as it will demonstrate how to properly inculcate and imbue your children with the pivotal Ikrei Emunah throughout the seder night and it’s processes, and so much more.
Since The Siyum last year on January 1st, the explosion and growth of Daf Yomi has been remarkable, with tens of thousands taking upon themselves to complete their own journey through Shas. As we celebrate the completion of four mesechtas, the accomplishment is truly staggering and something that Klal Yisroel is celebrating together.
Don’t miss The Afikomen, Live this Monday, March 22nd, 8pm right here, or on