Please Help Asher Get The Surgery He Needs! Help Him Live A More Fulfilling Life!

Asher is a unhealthy boy. He suffers from epilepsy and low muscle tone. He doesn’t walk or talk, just lays in bed all day, and requires to be wheeled around in a wheelchair.

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He underwent a vagal pacemaker implant surgery, and now is awaiting a brain pacemaker implantation surgery.

The cost of this surgery is $70,000! And we do not have the ability to come up with those funds. Especially after all the current expenses he requires, and the expenses we have with our other daughter who suffers from autism, and is treated by many private psychologists and reflexologists.

We turn to you and beg you to open your heart, and help us reach this goal so we can get Asher the treatment he needs so desperately! So he can be that much closer to feeling like a normal kid his age.

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