Levaya Of The Man Rav Chaim Called A “Genius”

The world of talmidei chachamim is still reeling from the loss of beloved masmid and inspirational figure, R’Chaim Goldblat, of blessed memory. R’Goldblat, a talmid chacham & father of 12, was known to be present in the beis midrash to daven neitz each morning, and to continue learning until 11pm each night. His complete immersion in Torah transformed him into what many describe as a “tzaddik,” whose smiling nature and positivity lit up the room. This became all the more incredible when R’Goldblat was diagnosed with brain cancer. During his gruesome battle with the disease, he often asked his wife Mrs Tziporah Goldblat how he could help her.  In a wheelchair and covered in scars, he would arrive at the beis midrash the same time as always, committed to his learning. In his last days, the very sight of R’Golblat inspired many to tears.

When R’Goldblat passed away on Shvi’i Shel Pesach, Rav Chaim Kanievsky wrote a letter of consolation to the family:

 BS”D Nisan 5780 

A letter of tanchumin for the family of the genius (gaon), the masmid Rav Chaim Todros Goldblat ztz”l. The deceased was purified with harsh and bitter suffering. We don’t know the calculations of Heaven, but surely the merits of his toil in Torah will stand by his dear family and they will see holy nachas, health in soul and in body and will not see more hardships. 

Chaim Kanievsky

In addition to the incredible stories of R’Goldblat’s life it is also exceptional to note that Rav Chaim Kanievsky himself referred to him as a genius.

Tragically, however, R’Goldblat’s greatness did not pave a way for his family’s security in this world. Wife Tzipporah is a teacher in a school and is now left on her own to support a large household of children, the youngest of whom is only a baby. 

Readers can donate here to the fund opened to help Mrs. Goldblat raise 12 children alone.

Heartbreaking footage shows talmidei chachamim and R’Goldblat’s own eldest sons weeping as they eulogize the loss of the tzaddik:



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