New Music Video – BBY Dinner – “A Father’s Tefillah for their Daughter”

On מוצאי שבת פרשת כי תשא, Bnos Bais Yaakov of Far Rockaway held its annual dinner as a virtual event. The theme of the dinner was “Ascend!” and indeed, the term encapsulates BBY as Bnos Bais Yaakov continues to ascend in accomplishments every year.

The dinner campaign launched with a unique momentum this year, with esteemed honorees and a body of parents and supporters who really stepped up to the plate, showing an eagerness to support this singular institution.

This energy made the 2021 dinner campaign the most successful to date.

The dinner involved every department of Bnos Bais Yaakov comprising 1337 students, and the videos shown truly captured what BBY is all about.

As part of the program, BBY students recited a beautiful poem written just for the occasion. The program concluded with a stirring song about the tefillah of a father for his daughters, composed specially for the dinner and performed by six Bnos Bais Yaakov fathers. We thank our parent body and all friends of Bnos Bais Yaakov for making the dinner the success that it was. We look forward to ascending further together!

Video Produced by Moshe Finkelstein – Crunchtime Media

Music and Lyrics Composed by Malky Giniger

Music produced, Recorded, Mixed & Mastered by Aryeh Kunstler at Roar Recording

2nd Camera – Shimmy Socol

Lighting by Koby Netanel – Yitzko Productions

Performed by BBY fathers – Rabbi Ephraim Blumenkrantz, Boruch Aryeh, Yaakov Kashi, Moshe Mendlowitz, Yosef Newcomb, Shlomo Reich, Tzvi Sussman

An Over The Top Strategy Production – Yaakov Giniger

Watch a message from the Rabbonim and Rosh Yeshiva of the Five Towns and Far Rockaway about BBY:

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