Be Counted! Roshei Yeshiva Implore Every Yochid To Participate

“It is our duty to Participate”: Roshei Yeshiva implore every yochid to be counted in Agudah’s Constituency Drive

 In a letter penned to the Torah community, the Bais Medrash Govoha Roshei Yeshiva implored every yochid to join Agudah’s ongoing constituent drive. In the letter, the Roshei Yeshiva described the work of Agudah as “raising the stature of Torah Judaism”.

The letter especially noted Agudah’s efforts in the pandemic, when it worked extensively with government officials to allow our mosdos hatorah to reopen and reaffirmed the primacy of religious liberties.

 “The organization represents all of the public classes and strata among Klal Yisroel, [and] the strength of this organization is characterized by and depends on their [number of constituents]” reads a translation of the letter.

“It is our duty to join in this magnificent effort,” the letter reads,  and specifically appeals to the tzibur to participate, stating that “we request that each and every yochid  joins.”

The goal of the Constituent’s Drive program is to strengthen Agudah’s ability to advocate on behalf of the community. If the Agudah can show clear facts of how many constituents they have, they will have more leverage in the halls of government. “I am often asked by legislators how many people I am advocating for and how many members we have,” said Rabbi Avi Schnall, director of Agudah’s New Jersey office. “By registering en masse, we will be able to bring up our numbers significantly, and give clout to our efforts”.

To satisfy legal requirements, a financial transaction is required in order to join as a member in an organization. For just  $1.50 per family member, you can take part in the ongoing Machatzis Hashekel campaign. To join, please go to and be counted. 

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