Yahrtzeit Tonight of Mr. Pacifico: Sefer Torah to Be Dedicated to Lakewood Cheder in his and his wife’s Memory

The donation of a Sefer Torah to Lakewood Cheder School is a most fitting tribute to the memories of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Pacifico z”l.

It combines two causes to which they eagerly devoted themselves during their lifetimes. At a time when chinuch Habanim was not as established as it is today, they made it their highest priority, and their time, efforts and resources went to educational institutions before anywhere else.

Their sacrifices to ensure that they lived al pi mesorah were many, and they loyally followed the Rabbanim who guided every aspect of their lives.

Dedicating a Sefer Torah in their memory to the mosad that educates their great-grandchildren is a wonderful way to perpetuate their rich legacy.


Dedication opportunities still available.

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