This Motzoei Shabbos: ArtScroll Shloshim Event to Pay Tribute to Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski zt”l

Rabbi Dr. Abraham J. Twerski zt”l was one of a kind – a respected rav, a world-class psychiatrist, a prolific author, and a true friend to so many – and outstanding in every way. A scion of great Chassidic dynasties, he was a world-renowned psychiatrist, helping countless people escape the horrors of addiction and overcome other obstacles. He became one of the Torah world’s most popular authors, and ArtScroll was privileged to publish close to 40 of his books, including many Torah works, collections of Chassidic tales, a Haggadah, inspirational daily readers, and, of course, the psychology books that became life-improvers – and often life-changers – for tens of thousands of readers.

To mark the shloshim since his passing, ArtScroll will be hosting an asifas zikaron in his memory this Motzoei Shabbos, March 6, at 8:30 p.m. The program, to be streamed online here, will feature divrei zikaron from Rabbi Nosson Scherman, longtime general editor of ArtScroll/Mesorah Publications; Rabbi Berel Wein, renowned rav and historian; Rabbi Paysach Krohn, bestselling author and speaker; and Rabbi Chaim Twerski, grandson of the niftar.

The event promises to be an uplifting one, paying tribute to one of the most unique personalities of our generation.


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