Who can stand idly by as a widow and 13 orphans lose their home?

Dear fellow Jew!

My name is Deborah Hazan. Mortified and humiliated, I turn to you with a broken heart because I have no choice.

It seems like a lifetime ago that my husband, a well-to-do, respected member of the community, provided and cared for us so graciously. Now I am a widow, left alone to raise 13 children, the youngest with Down Syndrome. 

For 5 years, my husband battled cancer, succumbing to the horrible disease a few months ago after much pain and suffering.

When my husband first fell is, I left my job as a teacher to take care of him, sometimes at home, sometimes in the hospital. We ran from treatment to treatment, at each stage praying that this time something will work. How many hopes! How many disappointments!


How much is the life of a husband and father worth? We spared no means. We spent all of our savings and took steep loans to finance expensive treatments. But HaShem decreed otherwise, and my dear husband passed away.

And now I am alone, without my beloved husband, left to pay off our heavy debts while caring for 13 orphans, one of whom is disabled.

I have tried so hard. I did not want to ask for charity. I believe I would be able to scrape by if not for the burden of our debts. But what can I do? The situation has become such that we stand to lose our house. Where will I go with my children? How can I keep a roof over their heads? It has become too much for me.


Compassionate Jews!

Please help me! Please save me and my children!

I am not asking for the comfort of our past life. I am only asking for a roof over our heads.

I can no longer withstand this terrible load, but I must stay strong for my children.

That is why I have come to plead. Please, save me!


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