PCS’s Master’s Degree in Accounting is rated one of the top Master in Accounting programs with a 96% placement rate! Open House this Sunday!

Are you looking for an acclaimed accounting program with proven results? 

Receive your Master’s Degree in Accounting from FDU, one of the top accounting programs in the country! 


Yeshiva and seminary credits accepted.


A Master’s Degree is an investment for the future! Graduates have been placed in top national firms and as controllers and CFOs in local companies. Learn about a stable, lucrative parnassah, with high-paying opportunities.


Remote option for out of town and Israel students!

Limited Slots!  CLICK HERE


Open House: Sunday, March 7, 6:00 pm, contact: [email protected] for login/call in information.


PCS Placement Advantage:

7 placement directors

Decades of relationships with firms

PCS/ Agudath Israel vast network

Inquire today by contacting:

Men: [email protected]

Women: [email protected]

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