“The great transformation of Avigdor from failure to major success!”

From an early age I had difficulty reading Hebrew and learning Gemara, and I never really understood the Gemara.  As result, I felt myself losing hope of ever being able to understand Gemara and feeling confused by this since I was talented in other areas. 

I couldn’t get into a good Yeshiva and the truth is that I wasn’t very successful at listening to and understanding shiurim.  No one wanted to learn with me, which meant that I was either on my own or with a chavrusa who wasn’t interested in learning.

After trying out several shiurim in the yeshiva, which left me in great despair of ever being able to participate in shiur, I shared my frustration with the maggid shiur, telling him that I was leaving.  He then told me, “You’ll be a baal bayit and not a talmid chacham“, and I accepted his words.

In the following years I tried to overcome my learning difficulties in many ways.  Some things I tried actually sound funny, but when I remember my many failed attempts to improve my learning, I have to hold back my tears. 

With siyata d’shmaya, I met HaRav Zobin shlita, who immediately discovered the cause of my learning problem and made the connection between my poor reading and Gemara learning.

As a result of the tutoring, I experienced ongoing self-growth and discovery as I began reading rapidly and accurately. I was able to actualize my dream and finished an entire masechet instead of learning just a few pages like in the past. Not only was I able to read better, but I was also able to understand everything so clearly that everyone thought I was an expert on the topic.  I began to enjoy learning and finished most of Shas in a few years, began learning b’iyun, and had a new world open up for me. 

Avigdor K., N.Y.

You too can transform your struggling son\daughter or student to a successful learner rapidly!!

Be from the first 5 to sign up and receive a $500 professional assessment FREE!! and learn how to lead your son\daughter or student to succeed and regain their self confidence!!


The assessment is conducted personally by the world leading remediation expert of over 30 years experience Rabbi Zvi Zobin who has lead thousands to success and learn how you can lead your son\daughter or student to success.

Many students struggle with their Limudei Kodesh and in many situations try for years to solve the issues and many times with little success.

Rav Zobin has proven thousands of times that with his precise method of assessing and isolating the core problem and with precise and powerfully focused techniques the issues can be solved very rapidly.


Here are what some parents say…

How did you do it? I paid out $40,000 during the past three years in attempts to improve my son’s reading skills, with no success. And in only six sessions with you he’s already correcting my reading.

Beit Shemesh, Israel

As the father of 14 year old child with reading difficulties, it was very difficult for me to see the pain and suffering my son was experiencing, and every day that passed was more difficult than the one before. The class was already learning Gemara and my son was still having trouble reading, until we got to Machon Misgeret. Baruch Hashem, from the very beginning we saw improvement, and by the end of the process it was impossible to believe that our son had had a reading problem. Now his reading flows naturally even without vowels and in Gemara he’s at the level of other boys his age.


We came to the Machon with our 10 year old daughter, feeling stuck. She was having problems with fluency and accuracy in her reading, despite all the help she was getting. She was having an especially hard time with loshon hakodesh, which was what she needed for davening and studying. In the lessons at the Machon she closed the gap in Hebrew and reading comprehension after only 4 or 5 lessons, and after the 9th lessons she was at an amazingly high level, reading loshon hakodesh quickly and confidently. This gave a tremendous boost to her self-confidence, and it’s all thanks to this encouraging, positive approach that is truly one of a kind.

Lakewwood, NJ


With siyata d’shmaya, I met HaRav Zobin shlita, who immediately discovered the cause of my learning problem and made the connection between my poor reading and Gemara learning.

As a result of the tutoring, I experienced ongoing self-growth and discovery as I began reading rapidly and accurately. I was able to actualize my dream and finished an entire masechet instead of learning just a few pages as I had in the past. Not only was I able to read better, but I was also able to understand everything so clearly that everyone thought I was an expert on the topic. I began to enjoy learning and finished most of Shas in a few years, began learning b’iyun, and had a new world open up for me.

Monsey, NY

Our son was a good boy, but he always had difficulty in his learning. We spent a lot of money on evaluations and instruction, with no solution in sight…

When it came time to get into yeshiva, we were under a lot of stress until someone fortunately directed us to Rav Zobin, and then wonders happened!!

After only a short time, our son began to improve in his studies, amazing everyone around him.

London, UK



My wife and I would like to thank you for your amazing progress, care and devotion you put in to *Yitzy. Yitzy came to shul and davened Maariv, Mussaf and the whole of Neila. He read and davened beautifully and looked comfortable at it. I told him that I hoped he feels very proud with the amazing progress he is making so quickly. We can’t thank you enough, it means more to us than we could ever put into words. You should be blessed with every brocha that could think off and some that you can’t think of. With immense gratitude.

London, UK

My son started saying the whole Shema before he goes to bed from a siddur. Also a Perek in Tehillim every day, and he read a full page of pirkei avos on shabbos. All on his own, we didn’t ask him to. He is so excited that it’s starting to get easier for him to read and we are so happy, I can’t even tell you! So thank you. May hashem give you all the Brochos you need, you are a shliach of Hashem to work this miracle out with kids and it’s amazing!

Melbourne, Australia


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