Looking to invest?

Its time to join  this success!  A unique opportunity has arisen to Connect with the heart and soul of our generation.


At Yeshivas Matisyahu/Fischer’s, we’re cut from a different cloth. On our expanded and  diverse campus, you will see every kind of bachur from every kind of community. No two students are alike, because no two neshamos are alike.

Yet, we’re all family.

Each of us is gifted with the incredible opportunity to be there for the other person, focusing on the individual, to help them better connect, inspire and grow to be the best they can be.

You have the power to make an impact x 2.

Your donation today helps our students gain the tools to achieve success in life―and fulfill their personal life mission.

Yeshivas Matisyahu/Fischer’s is on the cutting edge of the unique needs of our generation. Whether learning in our newly built Bais Medrash, hiking, singing, or playing basketball on our state of the art outdoor court, we provide a generous offering of activities and programs teaching what it means to be a true Ben torah with integrity, creativity, and purpose.

Together, we can help the bachurim develop their personal strengths and forge their own unique footprint in the path of Torah.

Let’s give them the tools to build a meaningful Torah life. Every dollar we raise together helps our Yeshiva continue to climb to higher levels.

Join our Torah. Be apart Of the inspiration!

Partake in our success!


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