Do you want to suggest a shidduch successfully? Then this is for you

Did you ever wish to be guided on how to most effectively redt a shidduch?

Did you ever think of a great shidduch idea but not know how to go about seeing it through successfully?

Have you ever set up a couple and found yourself with questions and didn’t know where to turn?


We hear you!


Anyone who has tried to set up singles has been there at some point without any place to look for an answer. 10K Batay Yisroel has heard these concerns and will be addressing them tonight.

Join us tonight via Zoom as Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum, a highly sought after Dating Mentor and Kallah Teacher, gives us tools for coaching singles through the shidduch dating process. She will discuss how to best communicate with singles and their parents when suggesting a shidduch. She will also give appropriate resources of where to turn as questions arise. You will leave feeling empowered to make more successful shidduch suggestions.


This free event is a must for anyone who has any single friends, family members or just cares about singles.


Please join us by registering at: 

(for women only)

 Register at: 

Please continue to redt shidduchim in memory of Yisroel Levin a”h and Elisheva Basya Kaplan a”h and log them on:


Yes, your shidduch suggestion counts!


Help us do more to empower, inspire and guide in redting shidduchim by donating at:

Sponsor a future event by emailing: [email protected]


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