Jewish Americans are saving thousands on their healthcare each year. Here’s how.

As with anything in life, when many people contribute toward one goal, it places less of a strain on each individual. So, what do you get when thousands of Jewish families across the United States join forces? Lower healthcare costs for everyone. That’s the driving philosophy behind United Refuah and that’s how members are saving as much as $10,000 – $20,000 each year on their healthcare expenses. 

What’s a health-share? 

For decades, various religious groups have utilized health-sharing in order to mitigate the crushing financial strain that traditional healthcare costs have placed on their community members. Ultimately, these health-sharing programs allow members of their faith an opportunity to share in each other’s costs while significantly cutting out administrative costs and medical expenses that run contrary to traditional religious beliefs or are otherwise considered unnecessary. 

It wasn’t until the foundation of United Refuah HealthShare in 2018, that Jewish American families had the opportunity to do the same without compromising on their beliefs. 

United Refuah is a non-profit, health-sharing organization that was founded to meet a pressing need within the Jewish community. Since its inception, it has remained true to its original mission: providing the Jewish community with an effective and affordable way to manage its healthcare expenses. Members’ costs are so low because there is no unnecessary overhead to cover and no investors at the top collecting profit. That means United Refuah members slash their healthcare expenses – often by as much as ten or twenty thousand dollars a year!

So, how exactly does it work?

Simply put, members make low monthly contributions to their ShareFund based on their family size. When a member encounters a healthcare expense, the funds in their ShareFund are first accessed to pay for those expenses. If the member does not have sufficient funds in their own ShareBox, the healthcare costs are split between other members, resulting in dramatically lower healthcare costs and dramatically higher satisfaction rates. So, not only do members save as much as tens of thousands of dollars a year, their monthly payments are directly helping other Jewish members with their healthcare expenses. 

United Refuah members share in preventative care, sick care, hospitalization, maternity care, lab work and other eligible medical expenses. Sharing requests are generally processed within 24 hours of receipt either directly to the provider or to the member if payment was made at the time of service. 

United Refuah members are not limited to “in-network providers,” so members are able to use the doctor and hospital of their choice with generous reimbursement limits. 

Have questions? Do your research. Hear from real United Refuah members!

United Refuah HealthShare is opening the floor for a live Q&A session to answer your questions. Join the free United Refuah webinar on Sunday, February 14th at 8:30 PM to learn if United Refuah is the right fit for you. Secure your spot today at 

United Refuah empowers the Jewish community nationwide to make healthcare affordable through sharing. United Refuah is not an insurance company, and does not offer insurance. Sharing is subject to Sharing Guidelines.


Questions? Visit or Call today at 440.772.0700. The average response time is 20 seconds. 

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