Urgent request from the chief rabbi of Yerushalayim

Rav Yoel is a very chashuva rav who answers difficult shailos in halacha and is always there to guide anyone who asks for advice. He gives up his life to help out am Yisrael!

His son will soon be married, and he is having great difficulty coming up with the money. He is in a desperate situation.

Therefore, I ask of you to please contribute with a generous spirit.

He is always there for any Yid who needs assistance, now he needs help from us.


By donating money you will be providing him with peace of mind so that he could continue disseminating Torah to the community, and you be fulfilling hachnasa kallah. These mitzvos are of the utmost importance.

Those who donate generously should receive an abundance of blessing from shomayim. Hashem should fulfil all your hearts desires.

Tizku limitzvos,

Rabbi Yitzchak Tuvia Weiss

Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem


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