Son Of Rosh Kollel To Get Married With No Funds!


Dear friends,

I am happy to share the news that I am a chosson, and I will im Yirzei Hashem be getting married in about few weeks.

My father is the rosh Kollel of Zichron Shimshon in Yerushalayim and has devoted his entire life to learning Torah with great mesiros nefesh.

Our family is in a dire financial situation. My parents do not have the money to pay for my chasuna.


All I want is to do the will of Hashem: to get married and raise children who will be dedicated to Torah, as the example that my family set for me.

Please open your heart and contribute to my wedding needs. It is a great act of chesed!

Rav Yitzchak Scheiner of the Kamenitz Yeshiva of Yerushalayim knows my family and can confirm their situation.

Hashem should bentch you with success, prosperity, and happiness for you and your family always. I will bli neder daven for all who send in their names and requests on the day of my chasuna.

Thank you in advance for your donation.

Yitzchak Eliyahu


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