Are you looking to go Into Real Estate? Don’t Miss this Opportunity!

Property Management Course- PCS/ Madison Title

PCS, a non-profit division of Agudath Israel, and Madison Title are proud to launch the acclaimed Property Management Course. Learn to manage multi-family properties efficiently and profitably. Classes, to be given by industry experts, will cover management, preservation, and improvement of multifamily properties. 

The course is geared for property managers, aspiring property managers, and those that are seeking to broaden their real estate knowledge. 

Partial listing of topics include: building systems, managing employees, property maintenance, tenants, marketing, social media, reputation, management, utility control, cost management, inspections, budgeting, accounting, halachic challenges, and solutions, working with owners, building a property management business. 

Course duration is 12 weeks, with evening classes once a week. 

Open House:  Monday, March 1, 7:30 PM. 

For more information or to receive the zoom link for the open house: [email protected]

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