Rav Shteinman Said This Would Happen After He Died

“After I am 120, when I will stand before Beis Din Shel Maalah” said Rav Shteinman zt”l, “they will ask me what I did for the poor, the widows and the orphans. I will answer that I was a partner with Vaad HaRabbanim.” This powerful insight from the previous Gadol HaDor gave fascinating insight into charity’s effects on the soul. 

Another statement from the current spiritual leader of the generation gets even more specific:

“Vaad Harabanim is our shaliach to fulfill the mitzvah of Matanos Levyonim with the greatest hiddurim, and everyone should do the same.” – Rav Chaim Kanievsky shlit”a

There are few matanos l’evyonim programs that have a more trusted & esteemed reputation than Vaad HaRabbanim. Many of the world’s biggest rabbanim have given matanos l’evyonim to this same fund year after year: Including Rav Shteinman zt”l, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Elbaz, the Belzer Rebbe, and many many more. Each year, on Purim, money is brought to poor families that desperately need our help to make it through the year to come. This year, the financial situation in Israel is desperate. 

Checks will be distributed to families on the day of Purim, in keeping with the strictest understanding of the mitzvah. 

These families, and many more, need help this Purim to survive. Readers can join Rav Chaim by giving matanos l’evyonim via Vaad HaRabbanim’s fund page, to make sure they are doing the mitzvah correctly. 


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