Rabbi Asher Weiss to Deliver shiur for Medical and Health Care Professionals virtually at Touro College on February 7th

Please join Beis Medrash L’Talmud of Touro’s Lander College for Men, New York Medical College & Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine for this special shiur (online via ZOOM)


Halachic Guidance and Words of Inspiration for Medical And Health Care Professionals דברי הלכה דברי הדרכה ודברי חיזוק

REGISTER FOR THE SHIUR: www.touro.edu/ravweiss
CME credits available

HaRav Weiss shlita is the inaugural recipient of the Rabbi Raphael Zalman Levine HaCohen Endowed Distinguished Talmudic Scholar Award generously endowed by Mr. Joel Margolis of Albany, New York and presented by Touro. This is the second in a series of shiurim delivered by HaRav Weiss as part of the award.

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