Do You Struggle Getting A Good Night’s Sleep? Suffer From Insomnia, Nightmares, or General Exhaustion?

Doron Lazarus used to suffer from chronic insomnia. Sleeping pills, doctors, psychologists, nothing was helping…
Until he dug in deep and realized that to cure insomnia, you have to transform the mind from the inside out.
And it worked, Doron went from sleepless the entire night to falling asleep almost instantly, never needing another sleeping pill again.
Now Doron uses his unique Total Sleep Transformation System, working closely with clients around the world tackling even the toughest sleep issue, insomnia, apnea, nightmares, and more. 
As the founder of Executive Sleep Consulting, Doron is open to take on a select number of new clients. Reach out to him directly for more information and to set up your free consultation.
Text or Call 314- 440- 9304 
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