Treasure Found in Baltimore

In the basement of  Khal Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek of Baltimore , it was found. The treasure that hundreds were looking for. 


 Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah: Building Klal Yisroel One Bochur at a Time

By Margie Pensak

 When a Rosh Hayeshiva approached Rabbi Yehuda Finkel, shlit”a, and impressed upon him the need for a yeshiva that caters to the many bochurim who leave the walls of yeshiva soon after high school, he was inspired to open Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah in Baltimore. 

This unique yeshiva program, known for its warmth and nonjudgmental acceptance of bochurim across the Orthodox spectrum with a wide range of learning levels meets in Ahavas Yisroel Tzemach Tzedek (Rabbi Heber’s shul) in the morning and evening, accommodating bochurim so they can work in the afternoons.

 A Special Niche

“We transition them into the workforce; that way we give them self-esteem, chizuk, and confidence to shteig and grow,” notes Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah’s Rosh Hayeshiva, Rabbi Yehuda Finkel. “We deal with each bochur on his individual level and we take him and raise him up to reach his full potential.”

 Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah’s Assistant Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Shmuel Friedman, shlit”a, adds, “There are many bochurim who after high school or a year or two of Beis Medrash are ready to move on. They are looking to develop their careers and find their path for the future. It is invaluable – and many bochurim realize this – to do this within a context of a yeshiva, with a Rebbe and with other likeminded chaveirim. “Some bochurim we work with on a more basic level, whether they need help with kriah skills, Gemorah, or how to read a Rashba,” continues Rabbi Friedman. “We have a wide range of bochurim, but they all share a common goal; they all complement one another; they all are furthering their future to become 

ehrliche bnei Torah.”

Different Backgrounds, A United Path

 Bochurim learning in Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah previously learned in a wide range of yeshivas including: Mir Yerushalayim, Toras Moshe, Bais Yisroel, Torah Ohr, Tiferes Yerushalayim (TJ), Aderes HaTorah  (R’Senter’s), Telz Cleveland, R’ Nosson Stein, Ner Yisroel, Talmudical Academy (T.A.), Meor (Chicago), Chofetz Chaim (Queens), Yeshiva Gedola of Greater Washington, and Sho’or Yashuv. 

 Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah boasts a small Rebbi to bochur ratio and offers a learning schedule which accommodates a 1 – 6 pm work schedule. The yeshiva offers computer classes, as well as guest speakers  from different professions to help the bochurim decide which field they would like to enter. It even helps the bochurim find jobs under the mentorship of shomer Shabbos role models, such as in the food, insurance, real estate, and construction industries.

As Rabbi Finkel explains, “When a bochur comes and figures out what he wants to do, we drive him to his potential employer and we sit down and tell him, ‘This bochur is meant for you!’”

 A Palpable Ruach

​“We give them simchas hachaim, we give them chashivas haTorah, we give them life, we give them chiyus,” remarks Rabbi Finkel. “The bochurim have an amazing ruach; they feel part of the yeshiva. They have chaveirim; they have Rebbeim; they have people to turn to.”

A visit to Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah any weeknight during the yeshiva’s night seder, will give you a real flavor of its program. It is then that the bochurim are joined by local baalei batim and the extraordinary synergy is palpable. Also special to the bochurim is the fact that their roshei yeshiva are always accessible; they are welcome to stop by their homes any time, day or night. This not only provides a very strong bond between the bochurim and the hanhalah (administration), but provides peace of mind for their parents.

 Fun extracurricular activities outside of the Beis Medrash, trips, Malava Malkas, Oneg Shabbos, and kumzitzes are hallmarks of Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah, in addition to regular Wednesday night get- togethers where the bochurim enjoy hot food, divrei chizuk on the parsha, and singing nigunim.


The Building Blocks of Klal Yisroel

“Boruch Hashem, we have seen the bochurim move on; they’re building Yiddishe homes,” shares Rabbi Friedman. “They keep up their connection with the yeshiva and serve as role models to the new bochurim who look up to them with pride.”

 Concludes Rabbi Finkel, “In the hakdama of Birkas Shmuel, it says a yeshiva is a place where you are alive. We want every bochur in this yeshiva to feel alive; every bochur has a place.”

 These glowing testimonials from parents, mentors, and the bochurim, themselves, attest to the fact that Yeshivas Tiferes HaTorah has, indeed, Boruch Hashem, proven itself successful in helping each bochur find his place.

 “YTT made Ezra feel comfortable, part of a group and positive about learning. They give the boys a feeling of the importance of Torah.” — Mendel Rosen, Parent of a Bochur

 “There are no words to describe our Hakaras HaTov!”

 — Mrs. Lapp, Parent of a Bochur

 “I’m very impressed with the level of care.”– Yitzchok Lokensky, Parent of a Bochur

 “Rabbi Finkel and Rabbi Friedman can figure out a bochur pretty quickly. They make a plan for him and then, most importantly, stick to the bochur until he sticks to the plan.” — Dovid Meltzer, Business Mentor

 “[The Rebbeim are] very warm and accepting. They go out of their way to make you happy…. It’s the best of both worlds!” — Shmuely Roizman (alumnus, presently learning in Eretz Yisroel)  

 “The hard work of the rebbeim make it the best yeshiva I’ve ever been in “, Baruch Glazer

One talmid, Yisroel Friedman, related that he was planning to leave beis medrash to get a job. Then he saw an ad for the yeshiva. He decided to give half-day learning a try. He formed an immediate bond with Rabbi Finkel, and they learn together daily. Yisroel appreciates that his Rebbi takes a keen interest in and is actually helping him figure out a career plan that is right for him. “The yeshiva gives me the opportunity to bring out the best in me,” he said.


Yitzchak Rosenblat said of his experience, “YTT allows you to grow inside and outside of the yeshiva.” 

For more information or to apply please contact the Rosh HaYeshiva Rabbi Finkel at 443.255.0515


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