Chana was sick for many years. She passed away from COVID-19 leaving 10 yesomim, 5 of which are not married yet.
She was the wife of a well-respected talmid chochom who was a true yirei shomayim. He must now run the household and take care of these yesomim all by himself.
Their cabinets are empty. The children are going to bed hungry.
Two of the children will be getting married soon and they need money to begin a new life.
These yesomim suffered pain that we cannot imagine!
I ask you with a broken heart to please alleviate their suffering and donate with a generous spirit.
Please bring hope to these yesomim and provide them with their needs.
In the zechus of this great mitzva, the אבי יתומים ודיין אלמנות should bless you twofold. He should give you health, nachas from your children, and many good years to come.
Rabbi Aron David Neustadt