Next week! Rich Yarchei Kallah Bnei Torah Program – New Details Announced!

The Yarchei Kallah Bnei Torah program – scheduled for Sunday and Monday, Parshas Shemos (January 17-18) – is now less than one week away. Slots are almost full, as organizers release exciting new details about the program.

The Yarchei Kallah will iy”H take place at the luxurious Westin Hotel in Princeton, NJ. The entire hotel is being dedicated to our group. For two days, participants get to “go back to Yeshiva” and learn b’hasmada in a most pleasant environment. A feisty kol Torah reverberates through the Bais Medrash, as participants engage in thought provoking pilpul chaverim. Preeminent poskim in monetary Halacha – including Rabbi Chaim Meir Roth; Rabbi Michoel Frank; Rabbi Ari Marburger; and Rabbi Yosef Kushner – will deliver a series of shiurim and answer questions halacha l’maaseh.

Yarchei Kallah organizers announced that an uplifting Kumzitz by the famed Strumz band will take place on Sunday evening. On Monday evening, a special panel of Rabbanim will take place, delving into practical Halachic solutions for real-life challenges in business.

Sleeping accommodations and all meals will be available – at the highest standards of comfort and kashrus.

The main topic of this year’s program is one of great relevance in virtually every business, on a regular basis:

An employer pays for a certain expense and an employee has an opportunity to benefit from it beyond strict business parameters. May the employee personally benefit? How much? Does he/she need to inform the employer?

Common examples are: An employer pays for a product or service as a business expense, but the employee can get it for less. A supplier or partner gives a discount or freebie. An employee forges lucrative relationships while doing work for the employer. A broker convinces a seller to throw in some extras, which the buyer is unaware of. A restaurant owner wants a cut from his employee’s tips. Etc. Etc.

This is an ideal event for any employer, employee or full-time ben Torah. Attending this event can also earn valuable CEU/CLE credits for aspiring attorneys and nursing home administrators.

Please visit promptly for more information and/or to RSVP. You won’t regret it!

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