A Mishnayos Club Like No Other!

TMBC (Talmudo Biyado Mishnayos Club) is a unique mishnayos program for boys from ages 9 to 13. Our program gives boys an opportunity to learn a great amount of mishnayos at their own pace using a proven method of retention created by experts in the field of education.

At this club, the boys are driven to succeed by earning trophies and prizes for achievements on different levels of learning.

Rabbi Shmuel Abramowits, a well-known and devoted mechanech, founded the program to give boys a love of learning and a feeling of accomplishment in the learning of mishnayos. He wants to inspire boys to continue learning on their own time and to reach designated goals in learning.

One cannot imagine the great sense of achievement felt by children who are involved in TMBC. They are instilled with an incredible passion for Torah for the rest of their lives!

As one parent said with tears in his eyes, “I never had any nachas from my son until now. From when he joined TMBC, he led his group in siyum hamesechtas and became president of the group!” He added further, “TBMC saved my son!”

Our mission is to provide them with great satisfaction in learning. We want them to enjoy learning and feel good about themselves. This will give them a desire to continue learning.

TMBC will also help in other areas of limudi kodesh as well, such as for developing their analytical skills in learning.

Baruch Hashem we were successful from when we started. As a result, we will be starting an online Zoom program from 8:00PM until 8:20PM Monday thru Thursday starting on Tu B’shvat Wednesday night January 27th. Amazing prizes (hoverboards, bikes etc), raffles and awards will be given as well!

We will be starting with Mesechtas Keilim in Seder Taharos.

There will be a drone raffle for the first 25 boys who join. You must be registered to win.

Do not miss this gigantic opportunity to enroll your son in our program. You will witness nachas from your child that you never dreamed about before.

To register for TBMC and receive prizes please click here.

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