Bentch Like A Mensch

Did you just indulge in a danish?

Are you making a Kiddush?

You have an enormous opportunity to get many Zechusim from the Brachos you and your guests will be making.


We provide FREE  על המחיה cards with a clear translation for anyone who emails us. We are passionate about strengthening and bringing awareness to this mitzvah that is so easily overlooked.

Hashem gives us food for us to enjoy. Just imagine how many Mitzvos we could be doing daily by thanking Hashem for it. 

Order the FREE cards for yourself, your family, Shul, Yeshiva, or any other function that it will get used. 

Think about it: we eat many times a day. By having these cards, you will be constantly remembering Hashem. By sharing them with others, you will be helping others say Brachos properly and get a great Zechus by being Mechazek this Mitzvah.

You may order and reorder the cards mailed to you free of charge.

All you need to do is email us at [email protected] to get free, easy to read  על המחיה cards.

Request yours today!

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