It’s never too late to start saving!

Thanks to everyone who joined United Refuah HealthShare’s very first Health-Share 101 webinar, it was a total success. The hosts spent an interactive evening with the participants, teaching them about health-sharing and answering their questions.  

Couldn’t make it? Want to review the value-packed content? As always, United Refuah’s got you taken care of. Click here to view an instant replay of the webinar. 

In the informative webinar, you will: 

Learn how health-sharing works

Understand United Refuah’s monthly contribution levels

Discover whether United Refuah is the right fit for your family

Meet United Refuah founders and members

Watch at your leisure and learn how you can save $10,000-20,000 each year on healthcare. 

It’s time to stop overspending on healthcare costs, regain control of your healthcare, and start putting money in savings. 

Are you ready to start saving? 

[Watch Webinar]

*Sign up before Dec. 31st & save $100 on your enrollment fee. Use code: UNITEDWESAVE

Still have questions? Call United Refuah at 440-772-0700 or visit to learn more. 

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