Is it Mutar to Take the Covid Vaccine?

Is it Mutar to take the Covid Vaccine? Join the debate in this week’s segment of the Headlines show.

The Modern Halacha discussion is very complex. Only the greatest minds of our time can address the thorny halachic issues that arise.

R’ Dovid Lichtenstein has developed an incredible opportunity for Jews all over today, in hosting his Halacha Headlines weekly podcast.

Each week, R’ Dovid invites various gedolim and experts in the topic of discussion, to work through the halachic nuances of each issue. These Question and Answer style shiurim can be accessed on his easily navigated website or at 732.806.8700. Podcasts can be downloaded and listened to anytime, anywhere.

This week’s discussion addresses the COVID vaccine and whether it is mutar to take it from a halachic and hashkafic perspective. HaRav Shmuel Kamenetsky Shlita will be joining this week’s segment to discuss the vaccine.
Previous episodes cover topics such as Moshiach, “Heter” Kiruv, Yerushas, Marijuana and Ribbis.

Don’t miss even one episode! Call into 732.806.8700 or download the podcasts HERE.

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