This Thursday! Bonei Olam Vzakeini To Host one-of-a-kind Challah Bake Event

As we celebrate the miracles of Chanuka, we also daven for miracles yet to come. And this year, we are going to stand before that wide-open gate, together. 


On Zos Chanuka, thisThursday, December 17, thousands of women will join our virtual Challah bake and be mafrish challah together as a zchus for our V’zakeini couples. 

The event will feature hafrashas challah with Rebbitzen Kolodetsky along with hosts, Mrs. Abbey Wollin, Mrs. Charlene Aminoff, and Mrs. Raizy Fried. Mrs. Raizy Fried will also be presenting a cooking demo out of her new cookbook, Lkovod Shabbos Kodesh. The night will feature musical entertainment along with Vzakeini messages and videos from women around the world , including Mrs. Chanie Bocher, Miriam Israeli, Bracha Jaffe, and Ahuva Manes. 

Hafrashas Challah is a timeless mitzvah that Jewish women have performed across the ages, from the times of Sarah Imeinu, of the 1st and 2nd Beis Hamikdash, and today. To create challah is to take raw ingredients – flour, sugar, oil, water – and to form that potential into something real – nourishing sustenance. As a woman elevates her dough to a source of bracha and sustenance, she also brings forth holiness and a time of eis ratzon. 

We will perform the mitzvah of hafrashas Challah and bring down that potential of Chanuka as we daven for each V’zakeini couple to hold their very own miracle. You will want to be there! Join the experience and come together with thousands of women and unlimited potential!

To create challah is to take raw ingredients- flour, sugar, oil, water, and to form potential into something real – nourishing sustenance.

Isn’t this like the prayers we whisper by the candles? 

Isn’t this what we want for our Bonei Olam couples? 

On Zos Chanuka, our candles will be dancing, and thousands of women will be making miracles.

Together, we will perform the mitzvah of Hafrashas Challah and bring down that potential for each couple to experience their very own yeshuah

You’ll want to be there! 

Join us for an event that will bring even more miracles into existence. 

Bonei Olam began the V’zakeini program with one goal: to help more childless couples become parents. In just eight months, over 26,000 women around the world signed up for a $1 weekly sponsor and to pray. $1 might seem minuscule but look at what has been accomplished. The power of each individual is the power that now brings every couple to the full amount needed to cover their entire IVF treatment costs every week. At the same time, each woman davens for the couple’s success by her candles. 

It’s an incredible display of how one small act can become so big when we bring ourselves together. And how we can use an eis ratzon that we get every single week to think of and do for others. 

Now with so many women signed up, V’zakeini has opened a second pool so that more women can be a part of it and ultimately send 2 couples for treatment every week.

Sign up today and be ready to celebrate good news in the months to come!

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