Dozens of Impressive Siyumim for Volume 5 of the Mishnah Berurah, In the Second Cycle of the Daf Hayomi in Halachah Were Held

In light of the call by the Gedolei Yisroel shlita: Tremendous chizuk throughout the Jewish world to join regular learning of Dirshu’s “Daf Hayomi in halachah.”

Last week, tens of thousands of learners throughout the Jewish world completed Volume 5 of the Mishnah Berurah and began to study Volume 6 in the second cycle of the Dirshu Daf Hayomi in halachah.

Due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) limitations, dozens of relatively small siyumim were held throughout Israel 

Also throughout the Jewish world, siyumim were held in accordance with local restrictions

Tremendous encouragement to return or join regular shiurim…

Last week, tens of thousands of learners throughout the Jewish world completed Volume 5 of the Mishnah Berurah and began to study Volume 6 in the second cycle of the Dirshu Daf Hayomi in halachah, delightedly and excitedly marking the special siyum which was celebrated in a limited fashion due to the coronavirus restrictions, and joyfully beginning Volume 6 which discusses the laws of Chol Hamoed.

The Daf Hayomi in halachah was founded by Dirshu in the homes of Maranan the Gedolei Yisroel, who issued a call to encourage all of the Jewish people to learn the Mishna Berurah on a daily basis, so that every Jew will always know what he should do according to halachah.

With the approach of the siyum, the Gedolei Yisroel have published a special and unique letter to the tens of thousands learning the Daf Hayomi in halachah. In their letter, Maranan the Gedolei Yisroel write, “Now that those learning the Daf Hayomi in the Talmud Bavli merit completing the tractate of Eruvin, and those learning halachah completing Volume 5 of the Mishnah Berurah which they learned each day according to the order of the Dirshu Daf Hayomi in halachah, we come to bless them that they will merit siyata diShmaya, to learn with the intention of keeping the word of Hashem – which is the halachah, the light of brachah will fill their homes, and they and their families will merit nachas, joy, good health, and long lives, and everyone who reviews halachos every day is promised that he is a Ben Olam Haba.”

The siyumim were held throughout the country, from Ofakim to Tzfas, with the participation of maggidei shiurim, learners, rabbonim, and roshei yeshivos. Sources at Dirshu note that if the COVID restrictions had not been in force, the siyumim would have been held on a grand scale out of a wish to honor the Torah and those learning it, as Dirshu has been doing for many years, but due to the gezeirah of the pandemic, local siyumim were made in dozens of places around Israel. 


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