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The Rabbonim Asked And The Children Answered: The Students Of The Gerrer Institutions Participate In A Special Test During The Coronavirus Pandemic

Glimpses of majesty from the great rally honoring Torah and its students.

Talmidim in yeshivos under the umbrella of Ichud Mosdos Gur successfully participate in a comprehensive public exam.

Supporters of Ichud Mosdos Gur gathered for an inspirational event held at Mishmar David in Latrun. There, the Moetzes Gedolei Torah, HaGaon Rav Zilberstein, and the Chief Rabbi, HaGaon Rav Yosef, publicly tested dozens of talmidim in the Gur yeshivos, who exhibited high levels of comprehensive knowledge in masechtos of Shas.

The event followed guidelines of social distancing, masking and areas that were cordoned off for the rabbonim.

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