Respected Talmid Chochom from Beit Shemesh has no Money to Marry off Daughter

I do not know if I will live to walk my daughter to her chuppah…

Heartbreaking words from a devastated young father whose daughter’s wedding day is quickly approaching!

A respected Talmid Chochom from Beit Shemesh, who was happily working to support his growing family of six children, was diagnosed several years ago with a deadly brain tumor…

His happy and serene life was suddenly in turmoil! Between hospitalization, surgeries and painful treatments which caused complete chaos and upheaval, financially supporting the family became impossible.

Throughout the six years since his diagnosis, he has traveled the world in search of treatments and has even been in remission twice. However, shortly after the engagement of their fifth child, the disease returned in a much more aggressive form. He flew to the United States for a rare and complicated surgery and spent months recovering, only returning to Israel last week, two weeks before his daughter’s upcoming chasuna.


Upon his return to Israel he called a friend and askan and said the following:

“My daughter is getting married in two weeks. I don’t know if I will be there, but I beg you, please make sure she should have the financial means to get married!”

The friend took the heartfelt plea very seriously and is approaching us, Klal Yisroel, to help him fulfill it. Do not turn him down! We cannot cure the father’s illness, we cannot stop his flow of tears, but we can ease his pain by ensuring his daughter’s wedding expenses will be covered.



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