Rav Chaim Kanievsky Releases a Letter of Thanks to Yidden in America

Yeshiva Tiferes Tzion/Kiryas Melech, one of the most respected institutions of higher Torah learning in all of Eretz Yisroel, is currently in need of desperate funds, largely because the rosh yeshiva, Rav Shlomo Kanievsky, is unable to undertake his usual fundraising trips to raise money due to the worldwide restrictions on travel due to Covid-19.

Rav Shlomo carries the full responsibility for the financial burden of the yeshiva, following the guidance of his father, Rav Chaim Kanievsky, and his grandfather, Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv, who encouraged him to do whatever he can to ensure the growth and vitality of Tiferes Tzion/Kiryas Melech.

This month, just a week before Chanukah, Rav Chaim has penned a special letter to the Yidden of chutz la’aretz, asking them to open their hearts and to assist his son.

“Praiseworthy are you that you have merited sustaining the Torah, serving as partners last year during the campaign to save Yeshivos Kiryas Melech and Tiferes Tzion, which are headed by my son, Hagaon Rav Shlomo shlit”a,” Rav Chaim wrote. “Just as you merited then, so should you merit again to add to and enhance the light of Torah, and particularly at this time, when the pandemic has spread across the world and my son has been unable to travel to the Diaspora [to raise funds].”

Rav Chaim concludes by bentching all those who assist Yeshivos Kiryas Melech and Tiferes Tzion, stating, “May the merit of sustaining Torah stand by you for a great salvation today like in earlier times.”


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